Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Besieged 2: Dark Territory

Now With 100% Less Steven Seagal

I have been playing Besieged 2 for the better part of 2012, for reasons even I'm not clear on. During that time, it's gone through several game balance changes, some for better, some for worse. Now in it's newly released third incarnation, Besieged 2 still manages to not quite get it right, and yet for some reason I still keep playing, in the hopes that things will get better. It's a classic side-scroller tower defense game; defend your castle against waves of undead hordes. Each wave, in the form of discrete levels, cranks up the difficulty by introducing enemies that shoot back, burrow underground, turn invisible, raise magical shields, or just generally are tough mothers to kill. In turn, you will occasionally get more powerful and versatile arrows to slay enemies, such as explosive projectiles, fire arrows, multi-shots, and the like.

The problem(s) with the game however, are two-fold; one, arrow upgrades are awarded only after you have to go through a laborious and dull process of building various useless structures inside your castle walls, which usually provide zero weapon awards, aside from the ability to construct another useless structure, and two, if you die on say, Level 5, you have to start over from Level 1 and work your way back up all over. It's really quite boring and a major misfire in terms of enjoyability. However, I still consider Besieged 2 a diamond in the rough, and with a few small tweaks, it could be quite great.

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